Handmade on Half Street

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The Lies We Tell Ourselves

What lies are you telling yourself?

The brain subconsciously will tell you stories to protect you. We are wired this way.

Unless you become aware of these stories/lies that play in your head on repeat, you cannot change them.

What are these stories? Here are some that might be playing in your mind:

❌ I am not a morning person

❌ I don’t have time to workout

❌ I am too busy to figure out how to eat better

❌ I don’t have money for ______

❌ I could never do ______

❌ I am not that kind of person

Do any of these sound familiar?

Listen to the stories and lies you’re telling yourself.

When you catch yourself hearing that story, flip the script and change the story in your mind.

✨ I am a morning person

✨ I do have time for ______ if I adjust my schedule slightly and make a plan

✨ I can do anything I put my mind to. I have all the resources at my fingertips

Change the tune of your stories and your life will change in your favor. 🙌🏻